Every week we like to look back at one of our most recognizable and celebrated alumni collaborations in history.
This week we had no other option than to go for an Alfred Hitchcock movie, as tomorrow is Alfred Hitchcock Day! We already shared the classic "Rear Window" with Thelma Ritter and Grace Kelly a few weeks ago, but this week it is time for Robert Walker (Class of 1939) and Marion Lorne (Class of 1904) in "Strangers on a Train." The film premiered in 1951, and it was Marion Lorne's theatrical movie debut.
Fun fact: This is the movie that determined the location of Carol Burnett's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In 1951, she was working as an usher when this movie was playing at the Warner Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard. A couple arrived late, and Burnett, having already seen this movie, advised them that it was a wonderful movie that should be seen from the beginning. The manager of the theater very rudely fired her for this. Many years later, when Carol Burnett was asked where she would like to have her star placed on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, she requested that it be placed in front of that theater.
Article originally posted on The Academy's Alumni Facebook Page.